Whether you are a new graduate or professional student or ​have been at WashU for a while, we want to welcome you and let you know that we are here to support your academic and personal success.

If you are experiencing a situational problem, a crisis or have long-standing mental health concerns, we are here to help. 

CCPS understands that being a graduate/professional student presents a unique set of challenges. Often during graduate school, students report:

Reduced access to social supports
Increased concerns about finances
Difficulties balancing child care
Stress in marriages or committed relationships

Tension in relationships with advisers, isolation with research work, and managing multiple roles can also be stressful. In addition, international graduate students may find living in a new culture stressful.

CCPS is here to support your transition to WashU as well as your development and growth. Our services are confidential. Please explore this website to learn about the many services available to WashU graduate and professional students. If you would like to schedule an initial consultation or speak to a counselor, please set up a telephone assessment through the online Student Health Portal​.