Nina Chastain (she/her) is a licensed clinical social worker trained in a variety of evidence-based therapies including Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Internal Family Systems. Her clients receive a customized approach based upon their unique goals and needs. Nina brings an attitude of non-judgment, gentle challenge, and a sense of humor.  In her practice there is no hierarchy of pain and suffering. Clients can work on whatever issue is troubling them without thinking it is too unimportant, or too big, to bring to therapy. Additionally, Nina has specialized training working with people who struggle with intense emotions. Often their pain has led them to use coping strategies that negatively affect areas of their life, and they want to learn better coping techniques.

People Nina works with include:

Those struggling with depression, anxiety, or trauma
Those who experience intense emotions
Life transitions
People seeking a therapist who offers a friendly space for any sexual orientation, gender identity, and those with non-traditional approaches to relationships and sexuality

Additional areas of treatment:

Addiction counseling
Individuating from parents or others
People pleasing
Feeling stuck
Struggles with relationships
Time management and overcoming procrastination

Nina strives to be aware of her clients’ own personal values and cultural and religious beliefs and practices. She is also guided by a Code of Ethics that upholds that all individuals have a right to bodily autonomy, that abortion is health care, and that all individuals have a right to freedom of choice in accessing essential health care services, especially their reproductive health.